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Course Selection Information
Scheduling Process
The student scheduling process will begin with a scheduling classroom session. Following their the classroom session, students should begin talking with their current teachers about course recommendations and should discuss course selections with parents/guardians.
Students will choose classes on their scheduling worksheet. Students should bring their completed worksheet with them to school on January 22 & 23 for the Class of 2026, January 21 for the Class of 2026 and January 24 for the Class of 2027. They will enter course selections into PowerSchool with the counseling department during this time. Students must then turn in their completed scheduling worksheet with a parent/guardian signature to the counseling office in-person or via email. Extra copies of the worksheet are linked below and are also available in the counseling office.
Things to keep in mind:
- A student’s current level of a specific class will be the same from year to year unless adjusted by their current teacher. A student's current math and science teachers will indicate in PowerSchool their recommendations for next year’s classes.
- Classes that need teacher recommendations will be indicated on the student scheduling worksheet look under the “Prereq” column. (AP Classes, CCP Classes, Honors Classes, etc.)
- Semester classes are paired together so that when students sign up for one course they must also sign up for the partner class. For example, if a student signs up for CADD, he also needs to sign up for Architectural Drawing. Or, if a student signs up for Sociology he must also sign up for Holocaust Studies.
- Sophomores must choose between Online Health & Financial Literacy or in-person Health & Financial Literacy understanding that if he decides to sign up for Online Health he must also sign up for Online Financial Literacy, which opens the opportunity for an additional year-long class.
- Students must sign up for all elective and alternate course options in their PowerSchool course requests and courses can not be duplicated.
- Do not hesitate to reach out to your assigned counselor with questions!
Students should understand that:
- The teachers of classes may change from year to year so students should sign up for classes they desire and not teachers.
- Priority is always given to the seniors first, juniors and then sophomores.
- Priority is given to the five main subjects (English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Religion) followed by electives in the order the student has indicated in PowerSchool.
- While every effort is made to provide students with their first choice of courses, this is not always possible. Thought and consideration should be given to the selection of all electives and alternates.
Scheduling resources
Scheduling classroom sessions begin the week of January 21, 2025.
Scheduling worksheets: