Foreign Language

The Foreign Language Department strives to broaden students' perspectives through language study, as students experience diverse perspectives, practices and cultural products such as traditional music, cuisine and crafts. Whether students are cooking crepes, learning salsa dancing or creating a Haitian-style painting, we hope to enrich students' lives through the exploration and experience of world cultures. In the classroom, students not only learn how to communicate in a foreign language, they grow their ability to think critically as they examine issues from other national and cultural perspectives. Our goal is to equip students with the skills to competently interact in a global market, demonstrating a strong ability to communicate, relate and collaborate across borders.
German I (CP ) (Grade 9-12)
This is an introductory course designed to equip the student with a working knowledge of the German language and the ability to communicate in familiar situations. The aim of the course is for students to understand and use familiar expressions and basic phrases, answer questions about familiar topics, and interact in a simple way with some support. At the CP level, students will apply vocabulary and grammar concepts to understand print and audio selections as well as to construct their own personal expression. In addition, this course will have a cultural focus, with emphasis placed on customs, history, current events, and geography of German-speaking countries
Prerequisite: None Full-year course – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Use familiar vocabulary terms, phrases, and questions to effectively communicate in speech and writing
- Actively participate in simple conversations and respond appropriately to basic conversational, writing, and audio prompts
- Analyze and compare cultural customs, products, and perspectives of various German-speaking countries
- Identify the main idea and supporting details of abridged texts, videos, and audio selections
Anchor text:
- Mosaik 2021 Level 1, Vista Higher Learning
German I (ACP ) (Grade 9-12)
This is an introductory course designed to equip the student with a working knowledge of the German language and the ability to communicate in familiar situations. The aim of the course is for students to be capable of the following: understand sentences and frequently used expressions; communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring exchange of information; and describe in simple terms aspects of their background, immediate environment, and matters of immediate need. At the beginning level, students will demonstrate an ability to actively communicate in a variety of situations, using the language effectively to express themselves.
Prerequisite: None Full-year course – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Students will identify specific details and perspectives of abridged texts, videos, and audio selections.
- In writing, students will provide details with some prompting.
- In speaking, students will also provide details and demonstrate an ability to interact in topical situations with some preparation.
- Students will demonstrate an awareness of various German-language cultural practices, products, and perspectives through a guided comparison with those of the U.S.
Anchor text:
- Mosaik 2021 Level 1, Vista Higher Learning
German I (HP) (Grades 10-12)
This is a rigorous introductory course designed to equip the student with a working knowledge of the German language and the ability to communicate in familiar situations. The aim of the course is for students to understand sentences and frequently used expressions, communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring exchange of information, and describe in simple terms aspects of their background and immediate environment. At the Honors level, students will demonstrate an ability to think in German through expressing themselves in the language, elaborating their responses, and interacting in impromptu situations.
Prerequisite: None Full-year course – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Offer personal responses and evaluations of abridged texts, videos, and audio selections
- Elaborate responses and work with a basic paragraph structure in writing
- Elaborate responses and demonstrate an ability to interact in impromptu speaking situations
- Demonstrate an understanding of German-speaking cultural practices, products, and perspectives through an active comparison with those of the U.S.
Anchor Text:
- Mosaik 2021 Level 1, Vista Higher Learning
German II (CP) (Grades 10-12)
This course is designed to build upon the foundation of CP German 1 and to equip students with an essential understanding of the German language necessary for personal expression and communication in a variety of common situations. The aim of the course is for students to understand sentences and frequently used expressions, and communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring exchange of information. At the CP level, students will demonstrate an ability to use the language in a variety of situations, comprehend texts and audio selections; and use the language effectively to express themselves in familiar contexts. In addition, this course will have a cultural focus, with emphasis placed on customs, history, current events, and geography of German-speaking countries. Students must note that CP German 2 does not fulfill the prerequisites of advancing to HP German 3 and AP German study.
Prerequisite: CP German 1 Full-year course – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Use familiar vocabulary terms, phrases, and questions to effectively communicate in speech and writing
- Actively participate in simple conversations and respond appropriately to basic conversational, writing, and audio prompts
- Analyze and compare cultural customs, products, and perspectives of various German-speaking countries
- Identify the main idea and supporting details of abridged texts, videos, and audio selections
Anchor Text: Mosaik 2021 Level 2, Vista Higher Learning
German II (ACP)
This course is designed to build upon the foundation of German I and to equip students with an essential understanding of the German language necessary for personal expression and communication in a variety of common situations. The aim of the course is for students to develop their skills in this subject through different contexts including health, city life, jobs and careers, and nature. At the second-year level, students will demonstrate an ability to use the language in a variety of situations, including some impromptu situations; analyze texts and audio selections; and use the language effectively to express themselves and develop a greater understanding of the German language and culture.
Prerequisites: German I Full-year course – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Students will identify specific details and perspectives of both abridged and authentic texts, videos, and audio selections.
- In writing, students will provide details with some prompting and will demonstrate effective paragraph structure.
- In speaking, students will also provide details and demonstrate an ability to interact topical situations with some preparation.
- Students will demonstrate an awareness of German-language cultural practices, products, and perspectives through a guided comparison with those of the U.S.
Anchor text:
- Mosaik 2021 Level 2, Vista Higher Learning
German II (HP) (Grades 10-12)
This is a rigorous course that is designed to build upon the foundation of German 1 HP and to equip students with an essential understanding of the German language necessary for personal expression and communication in a variety of common situations. The aim of the course is for students to understand main points of communication on familiar matters, deal with most situations likely to arise while traveling to a German-speaking country, produce simple text on familiar topics, and describe experiences and opinions with some elaboration. At the Honors level, students will demonstrate an ability to use the language in creative personal expression, evaluate texts and audio selections, and engage in impromptu situations.
Prerequisites: ACP, HP German 1 Full-year course – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Offer personal responses and evaluations of both abridged and authentic texts, videos, and audio selections
- Elaborate written responses and utilize effective paragraph writing techniques
- Elaborate responses and demonstrate an ability to interact in impromptu speaking situations
- Demonstrate an understanding of Spanish-speaking cultural practices, products, and perspectives through an active comparison with those of the U.S.
Anchor Text: Mosaik 2021 Level 2, Vista Higher Learning
Spanish I (CP) (Grades 9-11)
This is an introductory course designed to equip the student with a working knowledge of the Spanish language and the ability to communicate in familiar situations. The aim of the course is for students to understand and use familiar expressions and basic phrases, answer questions about familiar topics, and interact in a simple way with some support. At the CP level, students will apply vocabulary and grammar concepts to understand print and audio selections as well as to construct their own personal expression. In addition, this course will have a cultural focus, with emphasis placed on customs, history, current events, and geography of Spanish-speaking countries. Students must note that CP Spanish 1 and 2 do not fulfill the prerequisites to advance to HP Spanish 3 and AP Spanish study.
Prerequisite: None Full-year course – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Use familiar vocabulary terms, phrases, and questions to effectively communicate in speech and writing
- Actively participate in simple conversations and respond appropriately to basic conversational, writing, and audio prompts
- Analyze and compare cultural customs, products, and perspectives of various Spanish-speaking countries
- Identify the main idea and supporting details of abridged texts, videos, and audio selections
Anchor Text:
Aventuras, 3rd ed. Vista Higher Learning
Spanish I (ACP) (Grades 9-12)
This is an introductory course designed to equip the student with a working knowledge of the Spanish language and the ability to communicate in familiar situations. The aim of the course is for students to understand sentences and frequently used expressions, communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring exchange of information, and describe in simple terms aspects of their background, immediate environment, and matters of immediate need. At the ACP level, students will demonstrate an ability to actively communicate in a variety of situations, using the language effectively to express themselves.
Prerequisite: None Full-year course – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Identify specific details and perspectives of abridged texts, videos, and audio selections
- Provide details with some prompting in writing
- Provide details and demonstrate an ability to interact in topical speaking situations with some preparation
- Demonstrate an awareness of Spanish-speaking cultural practices, products, and perspectives through a guided comparison with those of the U.S.
Anchor Text:
Aventuras, 3rd ed. Vista Higher Learning
Spanish I (HP) (Grades 9-12)
This is a rigorous introductory course designed to equip the student with a working knowledge of the Spanish language and the ability to communicate in familiar situations. The aim of the course is for students to understand sentences and frequently used expressions, communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring exchange of information, and describe in simple terms aspects of their background and immediate environment. At the Honors level, students will demonstrate an ability to think in Spanish through expressing themselves in the language, elaborating their responses, and interacting in impromptu situations.
Prerequisite: None Full-year course – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Offer personal responses and evaluations of abridged texts, videos, and audio selections
- Elaborate responses and work with a basic paragraph structure in writing
- Elaborate responses and demonstrate an ability to interact in impromptu speaking situations
- Demonstrate an understanding of Spanish-speaking cultural practices, products, and perspectives through an active comparison with those of the U.S.
Anchor Text:
Aventuras, 3rd ed. Vista Higher Learning
Spanish II (CP) (Grades 10-12)
This course is designed to build upon the foundation of CP Spanish 1 and to equip students with an essential understanding of the Spanish language necessary for personal expression and communication in a variety of common situations. The aim of the course is for students to understand sentences and frequently used expressions, and communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring exchange of information. At the CP level, students will demonstrate an ability to use the language in a variety of situations, comprehend texts and audio selections; and use the language effectively to express themselves in familiar contexts. In addition, this course will have a cultural focus, with emphasis placed on customs, history, current events, and geography of Spanish-speaking countries. Students must note that CP Spanish 2 does not fulfill the prerequisites of advancing to HP Spanish 3 and AP Spanish study.
Prerequisite: CP Spanish 1 Full-year course – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Use familiar vocabulary terms, phrases, and questions to effectively communicate in speech and writing
- Actively participate in simple conversations and respond appropriately to basic conversational, writing, and audio prompts
- Analyze and compare cultural customs, products, and perspectives of various Spanish-speaking countries
- Identify the main idea and supporting details of abridged texts, videos, and audio selections
Anchor Text:
- Aventuras, 3rd ed. Vista Higher Learning
Spanish II (ACP) (Grades 9-12)
This course is designed to build upon the foundation of Spanish 1 and to equip students with an essential understanding of the Spanish language necessary for personal expression and communication in a variety of common situations. The aim of the course is for students to understand main points of communication on familiar matters, deal with most situations likely to arise while traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, produce simple text on familiar topics, and describe experiences and opinions with some elaboration. At the ACP level, students will demonstrate an ability to use the language in a variety of situations, including some impromptu situations; analyze texts and audio selections; and use the language effectively to express themselves.
Prerequisite: ACP Spanish 1 Full-year course – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Identify specific details and perspectives of both abridged and authentic texts, videos, and audio selections
- Provide details with some prompting and will demonstrate effective paragraph structure in writing
- Provide details and demonstrate an ability to interact topical speaking situations with some preparation
- Demonstrate an awareness of Spanish-speaking cultural practices, products, and perspectives through a guided comparison with those of the U.S.
Anchor Text:
- Aventuras, 3rd ed. Vista Higher Learning
Spanish II (HP) (Grades 9-12)
This is a rigorous course that is designed to build upon the foundation of Spanish 1 and to equip students with an essential understanding of the Spanish language necessary for personal expression and communication in a variety of common situations. The aim of the course is for students to understand main points of communication on familiar matters, deal with most situations likely to arise while traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, produce simple text on familiar topics, and describe experiences and opinions with some elaboration. At the Honors level, students will demonstrate an ability to use the language in creative personal expression, evaluate texts and audio selections, and engage in impromptu situations.
Prerequisites: ACP, HP Spanish 1 Full-year course – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Offer personal responses and evaluations of both abridged and authentic texts, videos, and audio selections
- Elaborate written responses and utilize effective paragraph writing techniques
- Elaborate responses and demonstrate an ability to interact in impromptu speaking situations
- Demonstrate an understanding of Spanish-speaking cultural practices, products, and perspectives through an active comparison with those of the U.S.
Anchor Text:
Aventuras, 3rd ed. Vista Higher Learning
Spanish III (HP) (Grades 10-12)
This is a rigorous, year-long course designed to equip students with the skills necessary to effectively communicate in Spanish across various media, contexts, and situations, both familiar and unfamiliar. The aim of the course is for students to be capable of the following: understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity, and produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue. This course further serves as preparation for language study at the Advanced Placement level.
Prerequisite: ACP, HP Spanish 2 Full-year course – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Offer personal responses and evaluations of both abridged and authentic texts, videos, and audio selections
- Produce effective, creative responses in written interpersonal communication and detailed, structured responses in presentational communication
- Maintain spontaneous conversations on a variety of topics and effectively present information and perspectives on pertinent topics
- Demonstrate an understanding of international Spanish cultural practices, products, and perspectives through an active comparison and presentation with those of the U.S.
Anchor Texts:
- Enfoques, 4th ed. Vista Higher Learning
Imagina, Vista Higher Learning
Spanish Language (AP) (Grades 11-12)
This year-long course is designed to prepare students for the AP Spanish Language exam, following the curriculum set forth by the College Board. The aim of the course is for students to be capable of the following: understand a wide range of communication and recognize implicit meaning, express ideas fluently and spontaneously, use the language flexibly and effectively for various purposes, and produce clear, well-structured, detailed texts on complex subjects. Students will develop interpersonal, interpretative, presentational, and cultural competencies while exploring six themes related to the AP Spanish Language exam: global challenges, science and technology, contemporary life, personal and public identities, family and communities, and beauty and aesthetics.
Prerequisite: HP Spanish III Full-year course – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Comprehend, analyze, and offer personal evaluations of authentic texts and audio selections
- Produce effective, detailed, and creative responses to written interpersonal communications
- Produce multi-paragraph essays analyzing several sources across a common theme.
- Respond effectively and creatively within spontaneous dialogues on a variety of topics, offering supporting details and elaboration
- Compare and analyze international Spanish and American cultural products, practices, and perspectives through oral presentations
Anchor Texts:
- AP Spanish, Pearson
Enfoques, Vista Higher Learning
French II (ACP) online only (Grades 9-12)
This course is designed to build upon the foundation of French 1 and to equip students with an essential understanding of the French language necessary for personal expression and communication in a variety of common situations. The aim of the course is for students to understand main points of communication on familiar matters, deal with most situations likely to arise while traveling to a francophone country, produce simple text on familiar topics, and describe experiences and opinions with some elaboration. At the ACP level, students will demonstrate an ability to use the language in a variety of situations, including some impromptu situations; analyze texts and audio selections; and use the language effectively to express themselves.
Prerequisites: CP, ACP French 1 Full-year course – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Identify specific details and perspectives of both abridged and authentic texts, videos, and audio selections
- Provide details with some prompting and will demonstrate effective paragraph structure in writing
- Provide details and demonstrate an ability to interact topical speaking situations with some preparation
- Demonstrate an awareness of francophone cultural practices, products, and perspectives through a guided comparison with those of the U.S.
Anchor Text:
Espaces, 3rd ed. Vista Higher Learning