Computer Science
The Computer Science Department commits itself to fulfil the philosophy and mission of La Salle High School by developing students in mind, body and spirit, preparing them for an ever-changing technological job market. We promote a professional, inclusive, fun and creative environment while presenting a broad curriculum grounded in the fundamental principles of computer programming, art and animation. We promote a student-centered approach to education that challenges students to utilize available resources for an autonomous, personalized learning experience that advances communication, problem-solving and collaboration skills, encouraging life-long learners.
Web Development I & II (ACP) (Grades 10 – 12)
This is a foundational course in web technology covering the underpinnings of the technology as well as a variety of modern standards of web design. The course covers modern Web Standards, well-formed and valid documents, Semantic XHTML/HTML, User-Centered Design of Static Web Sites, styling and layout of web documents with CSS, and common tools for website development. Emphasis is on coding syntactically correct web documents using an engineering design perspective focused on functionality over visual design. You will learn HTML5, CSS3, Responsive and user-centric design, XML, SVG, and how to create native apps without coding from web documents. Hands-on active learning is required.
Prerequisite: None Two Semester courses – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Publish locally created web pages to a web server for hosting.
- Create a semantically correct standards-compliant web page.
- Use a variety of current web technologies including: HTML5, CSS3, XML, SVG, JQuery Mobile.
- Apply user-centered Design.
- Apply responsive web design features.
- Create native apps from web documents.
Programming I & II (ACP) (Grades 10 - 12)
This course covers the core ideas and skills that are needed for programming on any platform with any procedural programming language. These includes the common kind of scripting and utility programming for supporting day to day work flows. This course gives students a solid foundation for learning any modern procedural programming language. Students will learn and implement the programming process. They will also be exposed to Visual Basic, Java, and Python programming languages.
Prerequisite: None Two Semester courses – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Programming Process
- Pseudocode
- Variables (naming conventions)
- Assignment Statements
- Input and Output
- Simple “if” statements, “if…then…else” statements , nested “if” statements
- Loops (for, while, do…while)
- Intro to Methods/Sub Routines
- Pandas DataFrame basics and data structures
Computer Game Design I & II(ACP) (Grades 11-12)
This course is designed for students who have completed Computer Animation I and II. This course uses Blender to learn the fundamentals of video game design. Knowledge of coding is not necessary in this course. Students will learn how to create video games using Blender’s logic bricks and built-in controls. Students will learn how to create original ideas for video games as well as study techniques, graphics and ideas of games from the past.
Prerequisite: Computer Animation I and II Two Semester courses – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Create player controls.
- Add cameras for POVs.
- Add and animate lighting.
- Fire objects in their game design.
- Create and animate objects.
- Create original ideas in a group dynamic..
- Rig and animate characters.
Anchor Text: Blender
Computer Game Design III & IV(ACP) (Grades 11-12)
This course is designed for students who have completed Computer Game Design I and II. The course is structured as an independent study where students create a video game portfolio as well as further video game design knowledge through self-guided projects.
Prerequisite: Computer Game Design I and II Two Semester courses – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Create portfolio
● Create independent game projects
Anchor Text: Blender
Digital Media Arts I & II (ACP) (Grades 10-12)
This course uses Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, Premiere, Audacity and Adobe Animate. Students will learn to use the basic interface of each of these dynamic programs and to use these programs together creating cross platform projects. Students will learn digital painting and graphic composition. Students will also learn how to edit video and audio, how to create storyboards and animate 2D graphics.
Prerequisite: None Two Semester courses – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Edit photos, video and audio.
- Complete basic digital painting with stylus.
- Create original animations and/or a short film.
- Add special effects to video and audio.
- Create storyboards.
- Create an original logo.
- Create original sound effects.
- Create and use special effects.
Anchor Text:
- Adobe Suite
Computer Animation I & II (ACP) (Grades 10-12)
This course uses Autodesk 3ds Max. In this class, students will learn the basics of 3d modeling and animation. Students will also learn the basics of lighting, textures, materials, cameras, 3d text and rendering video. The skills learned in this course will be used in Computer Game Design.
Prerequisite: None Two Semester courses – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Model primitive objects.
- Add and animate text.
- Create original animations.
- Create custom shapes.
- Add and animate lighting and cameras.
- Students will be able to add materials.
- Add materials and special effects.
- Render animations as video files.
Anchor Text:
- Autodesk 3ds Max
Digital Motion Graphics (ACP) (Grades 10-12)
This course is offered in conjunction with Photo Image Editing. This course uses Adobe After Effects and allows students to create videos containing animation and special effects for graphics-related projects. Students can use After Effects to animate, alter, and create original media using various tools and special effects. The program is widely used by motion-graphics professionals, website designers, and visual effect artists for post-production on digital films, DVD, video, and the web.
Prerequisite: None Semester course – 0.5 credit
Key Skills:
- Edit photos, video and audio.
- Add and animate text.
- Create original animations.
- Draw and animate shapes.
- Develop animation for shapes, objects and layers.
- Use the puppet tool to animate characters and objects.
- Create an original graphic commercial.
- Create and use special effects.
Anchor Text:
- Adobe After Effects
CAD and Architectural Drawing I & II (ACP)
This course provides students with a broad introduction into 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and modeling with a focus on engineering and architecture-specific applications. Students will learn how to use industry-leading CAD software programs (Autodesk AutoCAD and Trimble SketchUp) to model construction projects, and then create and distribute basic, industry-standard architectural drawings. This class is for students who are interested in the following careers:
- Architecture
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Facilities Management
- Interior Design
- Mechanical Engineering
- Structural Engineering
Prerequisite: None Two Semester courses – 1 credit
Key Skills:
- Problem solving
- Visual thinking
- Spatial and creative problem solving
- Understanding of the power and precision of computer-aided modeling and drafting;
- Ability to construct accurate 2D geometry as well as complex 3D shapes and surface objects.
- Precision Drawing & Drawing Aids
- Editing Tools
- 3D Modeling
Photo Image Editing (ACP) (Grades 10-12)
This course is offered in conjunction with Digital Motion Graphics. This course uses Adobe Photoshop and enables individuals to create and design digital images and illustrations for print and Web publication. This class will familiarize users with the editing capabilities of Adobe Photoshop software and students will learn how to use the Adobe Photoshop interface and access its expansive set of features.
Prerequisite: None Semester course – 0.5 credit
Key Skills:
- Edit photos and videos.
- Demonstrate graphic techniques.
- Create Gifs.
- Create original graphics.
Anchor Text:
- Adobe Photoshop Program