The Five Core Principles of Lasallian Schools

We believe in the Lasallian Core values of Leadership, Scholarship, Faith, Service and Community:
- Leadership: We produce men of virtue and character to lead with confidence.
- Live, Jesus, in our hearts...Forever
- Live, Jesus, in our hearts...Forever
- Scholarship: We develop lifelong learners through a rigorous curriculum focused on career and college readiness.
- Teaching Minds and Touching Hearts
- Teaching Minds and Touching Hearts
- Faith: We are Catholic in faith, Lasallian in tradition and respectful of diverse religious beliefs.
- Let us remember that we are in the Holy Presence of God
- Let us remember that we are in the Holy Presence of God
- Service: We inspire lifelong values of service to others.
- Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve
- Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve
- Community: We respect the dignity of every individual and provide a welcoming and supportive brotherhood.
- The Lasallian family